Seeking the One who knows us and knows why we are created is the beginning of knowledge! Here on the GROW page, we will nourish our soul and spirits through faith-filled devotions and applications. We'll be using biblical truths to encourage and guide us to walk out the best version of ourselves.

-we are designed to release a beautiful fragrance into the world-

Are you experiencing an abundance of love, joy and peace? Or do you find yourself in chaos, longing for a fresh breath of hope and water to refresh those dry areas in your life? No matter where you find yourself, there is hope for you. 

  Whether you're in a season of bareness, remember before anything blooms, it takes nourishment, time, and patience. Though it may appear nothing is happening on the surface, stay encouraged because underneath roots are being strengthened. In community we remind one another that in due time our gardens are going to grow.

I am more than happy to lock arms and believe with you. Whatever the need is, feel free to share your request below and I will partner my faith with yours. 


 Do you desire to walk in your
purpose & destiny?



"But the one who plants in response to God, letting God's Spirit do the growth work in him, harvest a crop of real life, eternal life."

-Galatians 6:8-

-Jeremiah 2:13-  “For my people have committed a double evil: They have abandoned Me, the fountain of living water, And dug cisterns for themselves, cracked cisterns that cannot hold water “ Just like our natural bodies crave pure water, so does our spirit man. Our human spirit is craving and longing to be satisfied by […]

April 28, 2023

Do you have God size dream? Are you waiting for a promise God has spoken to you through His Word? The waiting can feel like a sense of resistance in our lives and our faith is tested when we face the impossible.

April 3, 2021

Allow me to share a different spin of Matthew 13:24-43. Reading the bible is no longer just a “good idea” but our weapon. Let’s take back ground in our thought life & walk in all that was paid for!

April 3, 2021

Kind Words

"The BYO Breakfast Treat is absolutely delicious, easy to make and full of natural ingredients! It's one of my favorite go to morning meals and I'm so excited to try more of these nourishing recipes."

Lauren O.

Kind Words

"A year ago I wanted so badly to try healthier food options but had no real way of going about it. Thanks to Allie educating me and helping me to understand good food vs. bad food, I was able to try some very simple and helpful recipes that not only sparked better eating habits but a healthy lifestyle"

Aashia C.

Kind Words

"Allie has been far more than a friend for years; she is my trusted advisor I can lean on for guidance for a spiritually and physically healthy lifestyle. Allie has flourished over the years with her relationship with the Lord. She is passionate, encouraging, and loves Jesus with a contagious zeal rarely seen. I hope her knowledge and encouragement through SOW, GROW, NOURISH brings as much value to other's lives as it has mine."

Ashley M.

Kind Words

"Allie is curator of joy, woman of intention and passionate daughter of the King-on pursuit of God's heart and the kingdom at hand. From food to faith, wholeness, wellness, and seeing people planted, rooted, and nurtured as designed and destined is her mission. "

Lacey B.

Kind Words

"It's not everyday you find such a bountiful resource which encourages both physical and spiritual health, but that's exactly what you find here. Allie has been able to provide amazing nutritional value and tips concerning foods we eat as well as offer uplifting and inspirational truths."

Carrie D.




