Too expensive, lacks taste, or just not enough time?

I'm glad you're here! I'm excited to share cooking made simple. My hope is to bring a new perspective to healthy eating without emptying our wallet or spending hours slaving away in the kitchen. We'll exchange simple ingredients to our much loved recipes that will bring nourishment to our bodies.


Over ten years ago, I began educating myself around health and wellness. I realized the various ways food contributed as a key component to my overall health.

-The benefits were endless-

Often I'm asked, "Are you vegan?" or "What diet are you following?" While I don't follow one diet or another, I've pieced together valuable information through these resources which have inspired me to find what was suitable for my lifestyle. As you find inspiration through these recipes, I encourage you to take the time to discover what's best for you and your body type.

 Today, I continue to seek wisdom around nutrition and food whether it's through books, podcasts, and simple trial and error. By no means do I claim to be a certified nutritionist or substitute for a professional medical expert. My hope is you would feel empowered to become the best YOU through nutrition! 



Find it hard to eat healthy? 




Come check out some tips where I discuss substitutes that are essential to your health journey, what to stay away from and why!

These tips are ever growing. From my TOP favorite food brands to some fun facts along the way. I hope these tips provide a peace of mind as you go on your next shopping trip!


Let's talk "SUGAR, SUGAR" Honey!

Eating healthy doesn't mean you can't enjoy a sweet dessert now and again but it will require tossing out the cane sugar.

TIP #1 
Cane Sugar is an artificial chemical releasing toxins to your gut and weakening your immune system. No need to worry because there are some delicious replacements.

You can never go wrong with raw fruits to satisfy that sweet cravinbut if your looking to sweeten you're recipes here are a few to consider:
Raw Honey, Monk Fruit, PURE Stevia, & Coconut Palm Sugar!



Cooking OILS 

TIP #2:

Whether we're sautéing, frying, roasting, or baking it's important to add the right types of oils to your dish. Canola, vegetable, soybean, corn, peanut, sunflower, and safflower are a few to AVOID.

 Often these highly processed oils use a neurotoxin to extract and are highly inflammatory.
 Extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, or extra virgin coconut oil are my top three favorites oils, they're induced with healthy saturated fats and antioxidants. 
Ensure you do your research. I've found many companies "cut" their oils with other toxic oils without  mention. I've listed a few of my favorites brands that you can consider!




TIP #3

Unfortunately, due to the added fillers, GMO, and hormones, we are no longer consuming the benefits once available to us. That's why it's important to purchase brands that are organic, whole-fat, and 100 % grass-fed. By following these three recommendations you can get back to the true benefits milk was suppose to provide.
For my non-dairy friends, it's important to check the back of the ingredient list. Many brands add tons of fillers, gums, sugars, and oils. Instead, try to find some with minimal to none. Unsweetened almond, coconut, and oat milk are my go-to's! If you enjoy oat milk consider going organic. Oats carry something called "glyphosate" which can cause inflammation. 



I’m excited to let you in on one of my favorite recipes that I love to share amongst my friends. I decided to call this the “Community Bowl.” This dish allows each one of your guests to create what they’d prefer without wasting food. I don’t know about you but when I’m preparing a meal […]

July 14, 2023

Just three ingredients, it’s just that simple!

Feed your body with antioxidants and vitamins, while satisfying that sweet craving. It’s a win-win!

June 3, 2023

With just two simple ingredients that will satisfy your sweet craving.

Leaving you feeling hydrated & refreshed!

May 17, 2023

It’s time to jazz up your sweet potato!

I am excited to share this Mexican-inspired baked sweet potato recipe. Leaving you craving for more!

May 8, 2023

I call this the “BYO BREAKFAST CRUNCH.” With many healthy and different ways to enjoy this breakfast treat, come get creative with me!

April 3, 2021

Suggest a Recipe





Sometimes one of the toughest challenges with a healthy lifestyle is letting go of those dishes which are not so good for us but taste great.

 Well friends, I'm up for the challenge to discover an easy and healthy way to eat some of your much loved dishes! Share it in the box below and stay tuned!

THANK YOU FOR YOUR REQUEST, I Can't wait to try!

 Stay tuned :)

Kind Words

"The BYO Breakfast Treat is absolutely delicious, easy to make and full of natural ingredients! It's one of my favorite go to morning meals and I'm so excited to try more of these nourishing recipes."

Lauren O.

Kind Words

"A year ago I wanted so badly to try healthier food options but had no real way of going about it. Thanks to Allie educating me and helping me to understand good food vs. bad food, I was able to try some very simple and helpful recipes that not only sparked better eating habits but a healthy lifestyle"

Aashia C.

Kind Words

"Allie has been far more than a friend for years; she is my trusted advisor I can lean on for guidance for a spiritually and physically healthy lifestyle. Allie has flourished over the years with her relationship with the Lord. She is passionate, encouraging, and loves Jesus with a contagious zeal rarely seen. I hope her knowledge and encouragement through SOW, GROW, NOURISH brings as much value to other's lives as it has mine."

Ashley M.

Kind Words

"Allie is curator of joy, woman of intention and passionate daughter of the King-on pursuit of God's heart and the kingdom at hand. From food to faith, wholeness, wellness, and seeing people planted, rooted, and nurtured as designed and destined is her mission. "

Lacey B.

Kind Words

"It's not everyday you find such a bountiful resource which encourages both physical and spiritual health, but that's exactly what you find here. Allie has been able to provide amazing nutritional value and tips concerning foods we eat as well as offer uplifting and inspirational truths."

Carrie D.